2006-09-12 19:18:13 UTC
of course, there is no aryan race
Sure. There's no Sanskrit race either.mentioned anywhere in indian epics and shashtras.
nor language, nor any group of people.
aryan is a myth created by part time linguist-missionaires working for
western politicians.
... that Indic and Iranian languages are more closely related than,aryan is a myth created by part time linguist-missionaires working for
western politicians.
say, Indic and Romance languages is a myth? Then, why do chakra and
charka sound more similar than chakra and circle?
can be conjectuered upon all day long. it did not happen the other way, and
there is no proof. in fact, the proofs are now avaialble to see that
civilizational value-traffick was from bharat to outward. if eyeran chose to
retain chakra and eyetalians chose to change it to circle, it is their
choice. btw, the correct word is vartula for circle, not chakra.