Post by a***@hotmail.comI think Daniels has misrepresented how Marcantonio is viewed by
Despite my rejection of M's central thesis that Uralic is not a
genetic family, I still
accept much of the skepticism contained in her ground-breaking study.
I also urge both
Uralicists and non-Uralicists alike to take this book seriously. M
succeeds admirably in
shedding doubt on many widespread, yet apparently indefensible
assumptions about Uralic
languages. However, she does not replace them with any new ones of her
own. It remains
to be seen whether this thought-provoking reassessment of facts, myths
and statistics in
Uralic linguistics actually produces the kind of paradigm shift for
which its author is
arguing. Nevertheless, it is now obvious that no advance in Uralic
studies can occur unless
Uralicists tackle head-on the many unresolved issues thatMbrings so
eloquently to the fore.
end quote.
And here is Mark Hubey:
start quote:
What is at stake is the definition of "geneticity". AT present the
ideas being passed of as scientific truth are held together mostly by
equivocation, and rubber bands. There are basic principles of
measurement which have not been taken into account at all in
historical linguistics. The two fundamental characteristics of
measurement instruments are validity (accuracy) and reliability
Is the instrument accurate and precise? That is where the equivocation
comes in. It is circular. The test creates geneticity and geneticity
is verified by the test. IN what range are the numbers produced by
this test? Suppose the test (the comparative method) was fixed up so
that it produced numbers about 0.8 or 0.9 for the various IE
languages. Does this mean that there are no other ways of knowing
about family relationships?
So it is an act of faith to say that the comparative method is the
only way to measure geneticity when geneticity has been circularly
defined in terms of the comparative method. The first thing to do is
to clearly define a mathematical model of language change so that what
we mean by geneticity is not ambiguous. At the same time we can use
probability theory to make calculations with which we can create a
fuller and more mature theory of language change.
The present method suffers from lots of flaws. The main one can be
understood with the example of "morphing". We have all seen on TV
commercials and sci-fi movies the morphing of objects and faces into
other objects and faces. Suppose we had one of those morping programs
for the PC so we can run a small experiment. We start with the face of
Clinton and then specify the final face to be Mao Tse Dong, and also
Eddie Murphy. We then specify the number of frames in which this
metamorphosis will take place. Now if we look at the any frame, say
the nth frame and compare that to the n-1 frame and n+1 fram we will
see that they will look almost like the nth frame. So if we look at
these frames at random (statically) we can see that from one frame to
the other there is such a small change that we can always say that
this person on the n+1 frame is the same person as the one on the nth
frame. By using induction on this we will then obviously conclude
that Clinton, Eddie Murphy and Mao are the same person. This is the
modern version of the sorites paradox (which comes in various flavors
including the Neurath's boat version). This is what linguists have
been doing all along when they were creating language families. That
is what you will get if you only trace some 100 words accross time and
space. This is the result if you ignore everything about language
except some 100 or 200 specially selected words. This is what you get
if you ignore every aspect of language except some 100 words.
In order to get a grasp we should first clearly define what language
is? Clearly it is more than 100 words. That is why the present state
is held together by equivocation and scotch tape (or was it rubber
With this kind of thinking we could demonstrate that an elephant and a
dragon fly are genetically related. It's easy, start with a picture of
an elephant and morph it to a dragon fly!
How is this idea of geneticity of language related to biological
genetics? IN genetics the father's contribution is not called
"borrowing". In genetics, we are not called fish although we are
descended from them. In genetics, the genetic line of a person is not
decided only via the mtDNA (the mother's line).
If the definition of geneticity is changed to become more like that of
biological genetics, then "borrowings" would no longer be considered
mere noise but rather the contribution of another language to the
creation of a language. The Latin words are as much a part of the
English language now as the Germanic ones. The Gaelic speakers were
probably responsible for not learning the case system of German and
creating this isolating language. They also dropped some of the front
rounded vowels of Germanic (u-umlaut). That is certainly a genetic
component of English as much as the Germanic and Latin words in it
presently. IF we keep thinking that languages change type the same way
people change underwear or the way bored housewives re-arrange the
furniture, historical linguistics will stay in the same rut that it
has been in most of this century.
end quote.