On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 03:23:59 -0700 (PDT),
Post by C***@gmail.comPost by EmungoIf we're bringing in German -bad and Bad-, there's Gaelic
bad which is quite common in Highland geographic
features and (I'm relying on that great language source
the Ordnance Survey here) means 'tuft, grove, thicket'.
I cannot possibly think of what Gaelic word it could come
from, but then I am fluent in Irish, not in ScG. Irish
has no word "bad"; there is "bod", which is probably in
some dialect pronounced as "bad", but it is actually the
word for "penis" (cf. the disparaging word for a man,
"bodach", and "gearrbhodach", meaning "an uppity young
man", but word for word "a short-penissed person".
Dwelly does indeed have an entry for Sc.Gael. <bad> 'tuft,
cluster, bunch'; <bad chaorach> 'a flock of sheep', <bad
fuilt> 'a tuft of hair' are usage examples. MacBain says 'a
cluster, thicket' and notes Breton <bot, bod> 'bunch of
grapes, thicket'; he says that these are common in Breton
and Scottish place-names. Ah, here we go: Watson discusses
it in his _Celtic Place-Names of Scotland_. He says that
it's found only in Sc.Gael., meaning 'a spot, a particular
place', then 'a clump of wood', etc., also 'a tuft of hair'.
It has diminutives <badán> and <badaidh>, often used in the
sense 'a small company' (of men or animals). He thinks that
it's British <bod> 'residence', specialized to 'spot, place'
and then generalized to the 'clump, tuft' senses.