2007-11-20 12:01:53 UTC
Willian Jones's "The sanskrit language, whatever be its
anitiquity.....sprung form a common source" is quoted countless times.
But whats not often quoted, from the same speech:
"nor can we reasonably doubt, how degenerate and abased so ever the
Hindus may now appear, that in some early age they were splendid in
art and arms, happy in government, wise in legislation, and eminent in
various knowledge".
the pure Hindi, whether of Tartarian or Chaldean origin, was primeval
in Upper India, into which Sanskrit was introduced by conquerors from
other kingdoms in some very remote age
end quote.
This quote can be found in Lehmann's reader in nineteenth century Indo-
European linguistics.
So here it is black and white - India was splendid once, it got one of
its classical languages from conquerors, but has now degenerated.
Although Jones doesn't seem to say that the people who gave India
Sanskrit (but he does know it wasn't theirs to start with, it was
given to them by outside conqerors)were white, but what else are we to
make out of "sprung from the same source as Latin, Greek, Gothic and
Celtic "?
So comp ling and AIT are "sprung from the same source" and in fact, to
the present day, the linguistic evidence is presented as the mainstay
of the AIT of both the hard (conquest) and soft (immigration) variety,
and all the alleged places of origin of the people who gave India
Sanskrit are in Europe.
David Duke also accepts that Indians (at least the upper classes) were
white people once who became degenerate through miscegenation.
anitiquity.....sprung form a common source" is quoted countless times.
But whats not often quoted, from the same speech:
"nor can we reasonably doubt, how degenerate and abased so ever the
Hindus may now appear, that in some early age they were splendid in
art and arms, happy in government, wise in legislation, and eminent in
various knowledge".
the pure Hindi, whether of Tartarian or Chaldean origin, was primeval
in Upper India, into which Sanskrit was introduced by conquerors from
other kingdoms in some very remote age
end quote.
This quote can be found in Lehmann's reader in nineteenth century Indo-
European linguistics.
So here it is black and white - India was splendid once, it got one of
its classical languages from conquerors, but has now degenerated.
Although Jones doesn't seem to say that the people who gave India
Sanskrit (but he does know it wasn't theirs to start with, it was
given to them by outside conqerors)were white, but what else are we to
make out of "sprung from the same source as Latin, Greek, Gothic and
Celtic "?
So comp ling and AIT are "sprung from the same source" and in fact, to
the present day, the linguistic evidence is presented as the mainstay
of the AIT of both the hard (conquest) and soft (immigration) variety,
and all the alleged places of origin of the people who gave India
Sanskrit are in Europe.
David Duke also accepts that Indians (at least the upper classes) were
white people once who became degenerate through miscegenation.